Monday, December 27, 2010

final thoughts of 2010

nothing is ever perfect, is it?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

happiness is...

i am thankful for 2010. i can't deny, it's been a great year. here's to hoping 2011 is even better.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

stressed to the max

i am alive and well, but am beyond crazy busy right now. and timing on certain things probably could have probably come at a better time. but all i can say is i have a mini vacation and then the big bad daddy vacation coming. and for that, i am thankful.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the one, the only

this entry is dedicated to my only blog reader, the wonderful and fabulous laura meade(rs). how much do i love my meaders? let's count the ways:

while i rant on and on about how i hate the gym, how much i love (and embarrassed by my love of) pretty little liars, how i work for a million hours a day, how much shit i eat, miss meaders suffers through and reads on. PLUS little miss meaders is getting married (have you heard? i'm sure you have because laura is the only one reading this!) and i have been given the honor to be in her wedding... and because of this, i just had the BEST weekend in a long long time. i also didn't mention our love of trash tv, cupcakes, wine, seltzer, abc family, harry potter, and themed parties.... ok FINE and twilight... ok??!!

and that is why, my fearless readers, meaders gets a journal entry. well that and because she's totally badass. and one of the most amazing people out there. bring on september 18th!


ps. meaders, enjoy this entry. because this is probably it until your wedding... HA!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

when i grow up, i want to be...

i really do think i am destined for something big. i really don't know how to say it without sounding pretentious, but yes... i will be famous for something. now here is where the problem lies-- i have no fucking clue for what. once upon a time i thought i was going to be famous for singing. a plus sized pop star with a heart of gold. next i thought it was an oscar winning actress-- one of the few who wins an oscar for a comedy. and then there were all those people that said "you should totally be on snl". right right right... but don't forget the favorite-- the broadway dream. most likely to win a tony in my high school yearbook. i will say this... i DO work on broadway... just not the one that everyone would expect. i keep the famous dreams in my back pocket, but everyday they don't seem as feasible.

so then i moved on to business. i want to make the next big show. the next big toy. the next big craze. zsu zsu pets? seriously, someone is rolling in billions for freaking rats that roll around the floor. i could do that. "you have the talent to be someone big in this industry". um... ok. but lately it has been frustrating and i wonder if this is what i'm supposed to be famous for... next!

people seem to like my writing. i think i write incoherently like james frey, mindless jibberish that i think i can only understand. but remember the live journal craze during college? right. so if jenn lancaster can write books upon books of short stories of her life, why can't i? except when i finally said, ok start wrting, i only filled half a page and then i remembered how trecherous it was in college to write. moving on.

so what about entrepreneurship? cupcakes, burgers, and pizza are the rage in nyc... why can't i do the same. thus was born the idea of a bakery (which hasn't been trademarked, so in fear of all the millions of people who read this blog (hahahahahhahahahha) i will not disclose) that has some legs. could i be the next cupcake craze? however, kelly cutrone (my idol) came to work to talk to us about her life and how she became kelly cutrone. i only wish i had a quarter of her wisdom and strength. but she said to not jump ship into being an entrepreneur unless you absolutely positively sure... and have collateral. do i have either? okkkkkkkkkk thanks.

i could go on. plus sized fashion designer (brought upon by my personal experiences where just because you are above a size 10 doesn't mean that you are a country bumpkin and have to dress like one)? glasses designer (have you met me? i'm the four-eyed queen)? cartoon voiceovers? travel agent (what???)? the biggest loser for those who are chub but not super big (sigh...)? annalisa for president? this could go on all day.

so that's a lot to aspire to. maybe i should get cracking? eh, in the meantime i'll play lotto scratch offs... ooh look, i won $25! $25 closer to notoriety.  history, here i come!


Monday, May 31, 2010

these are the days...

 i'm doing better. the weather is gorgeous and summer is upon the city of new york. i looked at my calendar for the rest of the summer, and it's already ridiculously busy. most exciting is my trip to tokyo in july. i will be reunited with my people. MOSHI MOSHI!

my very first childhood friend got married this weekend. when i hugged her after the wedding, she said "did you ever imagine when we were 2 and playing with my little pony that we would be here now?" it's just absolutely crazy-- and it's crazy that i am almost 26 years old. i feel like i just graduated high school, when in fact i not only graduated high school but college, grad school, and am 2 and a half years into my first job. and yet i still feel very young and learning so much in this world. time will only tell what life brings for this girl.

case in point: despite the fact that i was very proud that i did not get burnt on my face, legs, chest, and arms from the beach today, i have to go nurse a bad burn on the small of my back. way to go kid, way to go...


Friday, May 14, 2010

ahh, look at all the lonley people

i have been a funk in the past few weeks. i think it's a combination of different things. bomb scares. dr appointments. dating. job. friends. weather. money. but it all boils down to this: new york city may be the most exciting city in the world, but unless you have the right people and the right mentality, it will mean absolutely nothing. i will put this out there: i truly am happy... i am surrounded by wonderful people. but it's kind of at the point where am i as happy as i want to be? i am kind of at a cross roads, and i'm not too sure what step to take. i was supposed to be on a 5-10 year plan, but i think a wrench was thrown in. ohhhh what to do what to do. i think i need to see a therapist. or visit a krispy kreme. wait, they are all gone? therapy it is...

next entry: a happy one. i promise.

"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation