Monday, January 28, 2008

it's the final countdown...

last day at job came and went. it was bittersweet. they bought me a goodbye cookie cake which was really nice. all in all, a pretty good experience (minus the position i was in) but i am so ready to get out of retail. yeh...

the cousins came for a goodbye visit this weekend. i am so lucky to say that these girls accept me as their sister. in all seriousness, i am so thankful to have them. and i am going to miss them a lot. but they will come to visit. yayyy.

all i have packed are some books and dvds. fuck fuck fuck. i move a week from tomorrow. uhohhhhhh. not to mention i am going to 2245098 drs appointments this week before my job benefits expire. so... when am i going to pack?


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

speed of sound

job- check
apartment- check
bed- check
couch- check

packing.... nope. eh, i have till feb 4th.

... oh wait... thats less than 2 weeks... whoops...

okay. this heath ledger death is the saddest thing ever. what a wasted talent. its so sad. i really saw him as being incredibly successful in his 40s and 50s. and his poor 2 year old daughter. sad sad sad. slow down hollywood.... you guys aren't as invincible as you think.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

helloooooo lovah...

waiting to be approved for an apartment. could this be my neighborhood? i feel so carrie bradshaw...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

it's time to say goodbye love, goodbye

ok, let me say this. a little piece of me died today. i have been slightly infatuated... ok, obsessed with a little musical called rent for the past 5 years. it is something i have seen too many times to mention. and now it is closing, and i am truly sad. i know theres someone who is rolling their eyes at me at the sight of this journal entry (yeh, well... while you wont admit it, but you will miss it too), but i dont care. to have something that is such a part of your life for an important part of my life, it is hard to let that piece go... especially after my transition to 'grown up' that is happening soon.. it's time to say goodbye...


Monday, January 14, 2008

we the members of the jury....

so here's a fun (insert sarcasm) story for me to tell.

i was first called for jury duty at the end of my freshman year of college. not only was it jury duty, but it was GRAND jury duty. i, of course, had to postpone seeing as i did not live in the area.

flash forward to 2007. i was called for jury duty in april. i had to postpone yet again due to my mba. in the letter, it stated that i could only postpone two times, so my next time could not be postponed again.

september 19th 2007. i received a letter from the juror's office saying that i missed my juror date and will be going to jail and a $10,000 fine. on that same day, the post office forwarded in jury letter to be in on september 17th. i called the juror office and told them that due to mail forwarding, i did not get the letter. the woman said i would absolutely 100% have to attend the next jury duty when i am called in february.

january 2008. i was called in for jury duty today. aaaaaand my number wasn't called so i have to go tomorrow. and i am PISSED because i took today off and now i have to call out at job tomorrow when i could have been effing paid. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

now watch. i get chosen, the trial dwindles into february, and i miss my first day at the new job. JUST YOU WAIT BECAUSE IT IS MY LUCK.



ps. someone at job gave me a goodbye gift, and i started to cry. honestly, i am going to miss these guys. i never ever thought i would say that.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

simply too few hours in the day...

so my first day at work is one month from yesterday. meaning i move sometime a week or so before then.

have i started packing?

have i found an apartment?

have i even had a day off to think about anything?

when is the next day off to get my act together?
january 27th

i need to truly turn into wonder woman...

thankfully i had next weekend to take care of searching for an apartment. annnnnd hopefully i find one... because i will have to go back AGAIN if i don't. but as far as packing/getting ready?? im cutting it pretty short on time... oh well, things will work itself out... right?


Wednesday, January 9, 2008


it's official. i received a job offer today, and will be moving to new york city in february. i honestly don't know how to react. im happy, im terrified, im sad, im proud. the dream has come true, and it's time to start packing... i gave my two week notice at job and will be going to new york next week to look for an apartment. everything is happening so so fast... but it is about damn time...


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

time goes by so slowly...

wait wait wait. by the end of the week i will know the outcome of 2008.

no pressure...


Saturday, January 5, 2008


ok, for those of you who know me, you are quite aware that i love myself some celebrity gossip. actually, i thrive on celebrity gossip. i honestly can't help it. i think it all emerged at a young age when i thought that someday i was going to be famous, so i had to watch and see what the celebrities do in their everyday lives. and since then, i wait every weekend by the mailbox for my people magazine subscription and check perez hilton compulsively throughout the day.

now, britney spears happens to be one of my favorite train wrecks. she honestly brought it upon herself in the past, and she is a fame whored bitch, thus deserving every single person calling her crazy and diluted. however, the incident from the past 24 hours is actually not funny. she is a seriously unstable person, and her poor children are in the process of being completely fucked up. when i saw the paparazzi clinging to britney's ambulance, not even allowing her to pass through, i was done. she is trying to get to the hospital, and people are glued to the car looking inside. granted, the shots of her looking out of her mind were astonishing, but this is a person's mental health we are talking about here, not a boob job or tummy tuck. i actually for the first time ever feel sorry for her. HOWEVER.... if she is a complete fuck up and does nothing to help herself, then she deserves to have cameras in her face at all times (taking a walk, taking a swim, taking a shit) and should have her babies taken away from her FOR LIFE. seriously britney, if you don't do it for your fuckup self, do it for your kids. they don't have good role models as is (britney?? kfed??? JAIME LYNN????) so it would be nice to have somewhat of a stable mother.

so everyone listen to lynne spears and say a prayer. i hope britney comes to her senses and gets rid of the crazy. and now back to watching lindsay lohan fall off the wagon and continue ruining her career. yesssssssss


Thursday, January 3, 2008


monday, january 7th... d-day...

this is me starting to freak out.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

uneventful new year

remember that waiting for the phone game??
it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
normally i keep my phone on vibrate at night, but last night i decided to keep it on the ringer as i am expecting a call today and i was afraid i would miss it. well low and behold, the one and only time i have my ringer on, someone decides to call me after i fall asleep. and the reason for the call? RIDICULOUSNESS (ask me later). this lead to me tossing and turning the entire night. THANKS WORLD.

anyhow, how was your new year? mine was the most boring new years i have ever had. i was going to go to a party that one of the people at job was having, but i ended up getting a 24 hour stomach flu and watched the ball drop by myself at midnight. basically, i said "fuck 2007" as the ball dropped, said "you better live up to my expectations, 2008" and i went to bed. wooooooow... wild and crazy new years. let's just hope next year's is a little more exciting.

i have the day off today, and i am going to canada for my cousin anna's 21st bday. 21 is not a big deal in canada as the drinking age is 19, so it's just going to be a nice family party. and i am excited to see them!

um, that's it. time to get ready and eat something. hmm, subway sounds pretty good right about now!

"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation