Saturday, April 10, 2010


who is reading this blog? seriously-- i honestly thought the only person was meaders. but there are more of you coming to read nothingness.

i wish i had exciting things to post about, which would then be cause for constant checking, but alas i lead a pretty dull life. what did i do today? i woke up, ate some multigrain cheerios, watched the birdcage, went to the gym, did an hour of yoga, ate subway, waited for two separate cable guys to come to my apartment, ordered salad and pizza for dinner, watched some more TV, listened to some music, and read people magazine. is that at all exciting?? is it worth checking? i mean, seriously, that is what twitter is for.

now i am going to lie in bed and watch snl. what a fabulous life. be incredibly jealous.

"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation