oh edgrr, i feel the same exact way...
honestly, lets stick one more jab into my chubby little thigh...
i went to the doctor yesterday for a regular checkup. i fondly note her philosophy as being a 'tough love' doctor. for example, when i asked her about gastric bypass surgery, she told me to stop being ridiculous and get on a treadmill. yeh, thanks. so at the checkup yesterday, she asked me what i was doing with my life.
ummmmm nothing.
where are you living?
with my parents.
why aren't you on your own?
ummmm.... i can't afford it? it's not like i ADORE/have a choice living at home...
it's unhealthy to be living with your parents at 23...
um... ok... silence
are you dating?
currently, no.
why not?
ummm.... i don't know. i didn't have time i guess.
well i think it would be good for you to be dating.
ummmmmmm. seriously... MY DOCTOR even rubs it in...
oh life, thank you for being so so cruel.
also, i'd like to thank steve jobs for not coming out with the new iPods A FREAKING WEEK AGO. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why why why. could have saved me just A FREAKING TAD of money... but then again, it just goes along with the theme of my life now.
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