Thursday, September 6, 2007


i really should rename this blog "ridiculous reasons on why life is out to get me."
yet another wonderful occurence today. i was getting my normal venti unsweetened passion ice tea from starbucks, and i asked for an application. the way i figure it is if i have to stay in this god forsaken place known as buffalo, i might as well be paid to do so. so when i asked the guy barista for an application, he says:
are you over 18?
umm. yes.
oh, just checking because you have a young face.
ummm. yeh, i would consider myself a lot over 18.
how old are you?
oh you are still so young.
yeh, but im certainly not 18.

instead, i really wanted to be like what the fuck, you are probably a year older than me, why the fuck are you giving me the 'ohhhhh im so olddddddd' reaction. so i just tee heed, and exited with my application and passion tea.

seriously, why doesn't someone ask how far along in my pregnancy i am, and i will be all set.


1 comment:

Kari Anne said...

Oh Annalisa. We are so soulmates.

I have been considering getting a job at Starbucks too, just bc I loves $$ and neeeeeed purpose.

You make ME tee-hee. Keep faith.

"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation