tomorrow i venture to philadelphia again. everytime i go back, it lessens the pain of not being there for grad school. when i was there in april, i felt as if i never left. but at the same time, i saw for the very first time that life went on without me. it should be an interesting visit. no one is left. it used to be visiting a whole bunch of people, and now it is down to a few. while i am glad to go back and visit the kids, it makes me sad because (as i have said in previous blogs) i can't go back into the past and live the life i used to have. there will never be that chemistry of living in philadelphia and going about my daily business there. i thank everyday for the force that drove me to go to school in philadelphia as i will have a lifetime of memories. and yes, they were the happiest times of my life. but last time i was there, i left my heart in philadelphia. this time, i am going to get it back, and take it with me.
Speaking of going back and claiming our hearts - Tamyra Gray interview I just read:
When you first saw Rent on Broadway eight years ago, what did the show mean to you?
I was in New York doing an industrial video for Coca-Cola, and I was broke, and I saw every show that I wanted to see for $20. I saw Rent sitting in the front row, and I thought it was amazing. But I also saw Aida, and I have to admit, I was affected more by that than I was by Rent. Watching Aida made me want to do Broadway.
Was Adam Pascal in Aida when you saw the show?
He was! I told him when I first saw him, "Okay, I have to get this out of the way, because I am going to be thinking about it every single day if I don't tell you this now, but I absolutely loved you in that show!" [Laughs.]
Since you are a major Aida fan, have you heard the rumblings that they are going to do a movie version?
No way! I'm gonna have to call my agent and find my way into that movie. Aida is my dream. I wanted to do it on Broadway. If there was such thing as an Aida-head, I was it. Every time I was in New York I saw it and made everyone I know come see it with me. I cried every single time.
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