Sunday, April 13, 2008

see i'm a new soul in this very strange world...

there is nothing fun to write about... this past week has just been so crazy busy. the only day i was home before 7 from work was thursday. plus i was in work today (sunday) from 2-7. ahhhhhh crazy!

oh, and i got a haircut. it was time for another change. the hairstylist cut a little more than i was expecting, but i am growing to like it. now here is to seeing if i can really take care of it. i just straightened it after washing it, and it looks like an afro. blahhh

SUPER busy week again this week. basically i am only working one full day. and friday i am off to philadelphia for a visit. being busy is good good good.



Kari Anne said...

I want pictures of your HAIR not your pants, dumbass! ;) Love you.

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"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation