these clothes are EXACTLY my style. to a t. i am beyond obsessed. but as you can see from the prices, they are not exactly affordable... like, i could save up to buy one dress when i could probably buy three for that price at banana republic. sigh...
in other news, my weekend was totally totally uneventful. but i needed it because i have had quite a busy past couple of weeks. and it got SO cold out that it was just nice to kind of stay in and relax. i only ordered in once. and that was because i am sick of the diet i currently am on (why i thought frozen meals everyday was a good idea?!?) that i needed REAL food. as much as this diet isn't that glamorous, i do think i have noticed a change in a week. so maybe i'll stick with it... maybe...
so i spent a majority of the day watching movies and creating playlists for my daily walks. i don't know how, but when i play certain cds like coldplay's 'a rush of blood to the head' or keane's 'hopes and fears' or kt tunstall's 'eye of the telescope', i immediately got these chills and started remembering how these songs were such a big part of my life. i listen to them, and remember exactly where i was and what i was doing and when in time it all took place. it's amazing that music can do that to you. and it's amazing how you wish for those moments, as small and insignificant as they were in the past, to be back in your life. and they never can be.
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