so here's a fun (insert sarcasm) story for me to tell.
i was first called for jury duty at the end of my freshman year of college. not only was it jury duty, but it was GRAND jury duty. i, of course, had to postpone seeing as i did not live in the area.
flash forward to 2007. i was called for jury duty in april. i had to postpone yet again due to my mba. in the letter, it stated that i could only postpone two times, so my next time could not be postponed again.
september 19th 2007. i received a letter from the juror's office saying that i missed my juror date and will be going to jail and a $10,000 fine. on that same day, the post office forwarded in jury letter to be in on september 17th. i called the juror office and told them that due to mail forwarding, i did not get the letter. the woman said i would absolutely 100% have to attend the next jury duty when i am called in february.
january 2008. i was called in for jury duty today. aaaaaand my number wasn't called so i have to go tomorrow. and i am PISSED because i took today off and now i have to call out at job tomorrow when i could have been effing paid. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
now watch. i get chosen, the trial dwindles into february, and i miss my first day at the new job. JUST YOU WAIT BECAUSE IT IS MY LUCK.
ps. someone at job gave me a goodbye gift, and i started to cry. honestly, i am going to miss these guys. i never ever thought i would say that.
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