remember that waiting for the phone game??
it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
normally i keep my phone on vibrate at night, but last night i decided to keep it on the ringer as i am expecting a call today and i was afraid i would miss it. well low and behold, the one and only time i have my ringer on, someone decides to call me after i fall asleep. and the reason for the call? RIDICULOUSNESS (ask me later). this lead to me tossing and turning the entire night. THANKS WORLD.
anyhow, how was your new year? mine was the most boring new years i have ever had. i was going to go to a party that one of the people at job was having, but i ended up getting a 24 hour stomach flu and watched the ball drop by myself at midnight. basically, i said "fuck 2007" as the ball dropped, said "you better live up to my expectations, 2008" and i went to bed. wooooooow... wild and crazy new years. let's just hope next year's is a little more exciting.
i have the day off today, and i am going to canada for my cousin anna's 21st bday. 21 is not a big deal in canada as the drinking age is 19, so it's just going to be a nice family party. and i am excited to see them!
um, that's it. time to get ready and eat something. hmm, subway sounds pretty good right about now!
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