i think i am going to try to make a conscious effort to write more in here. it's become like a post a week (sometimes 2). problem is i don't really have much to post about. everyone keeps asking how is my 'fabulous' life in nyc.... annnd i don't have much to tell. i wake up, walk to the subway, go to work, walk or subway home, and collapse. exciting? i think not. sometimes theres a little variation from the norm (dinner with friends, a show, celeb sighting, etc) but some of those things are not really that exciting for other people to read. so i will try to write more. but this blog might start to get really really boringgggg.
this week went by SO fast! i couldn't believe that it was already friday yesterday. and... IT'S MAY!!! MAY??? MAY!!! i can't believe it, it's absolutely crazy. it sure doesn't feel like may (weather, why are you so cold and rainy?) but it really truly is. as of tomorrow, i have been in my apartment for 3 months. 1/4 of my lease is up. crazy, right? there are days where i feel like i have lived in the city for a week and there are days where i feel like i have been here for forever. i'm really starting to adjust to city living. i do miss little things about suburbia like having a car available at all times, grocery stores with endless amount of selection and lower prices, and the lack of tourists. but for the lack of these things, you get more in return. seeing PEOPLE at all hours of the day, one good restaurant after another, forcing yourself to walk, $9 manicures, the ability to see a broadway show any day of the week, seeing something new everyday. it's a nice change, and something i am learning to take advantage of.
so what's up for may? every weekend is booked with something with the exception of the last weekend. it's going to be a pretty busy month. and starting memorial day weekend, we get 'summer fridays' at work where we get every other friday off. ummmm, i'm pretty excited about that. especially with getting some guests to visit on those long weekends. and going to visit some friends (LA, here i come!). plus i will be home in may, july, and september. summer is going to fly by, isn't it?
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