yes yes, i haven't written in awhile... why? i have been so god damned busy... i went home and basically had a whirlwind of a weekend. i hardly felt like i was home. there was one point where i was home with all of my friends and i seriously had a moment when i was like "why the fuck did i move away?" and then i stepped back into new york, and i remembered why i am here. and i stopped being sad. this is where i really truly belong. takes a long time to figure out, but it's worth it in the end...
in other news, IT'S FUCKING BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE. it's like 75 and NO humidity. it is absolutely amazing. i walked to get subway and pinkberry and was loving every moment outside. i haven't really been outside for awhile because buffalo was COOOOOLD and i have been working super late, but i enjoyed my time outside today. please stay like this for foreverrrrrrrr.
ok, so i got the wii fit. and jesus, mary, and joseph does that thing kick me in the ass. i woke up in the middle of the night last night because my abs were sore. seriously... a video game...
ummmmmm i am now going to wii fit... and watch some tv. sex and the city movie tomorrow. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
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