so that party really was kinda an eye opener because i am really leaving. i mean... monday. MONDAY. i woke up this morning and was like shit, i am really going to miss these people. after all the anguish of being home, counting down the days until i get the fuck out of here... it kind of is a bittersweet thing to leave. but i can't be held back because i have to follow my dream. it's what i have wanted my whole life, and i just have to take things into perspective.
it's kind of funny. a couple months ago i had this dream that was a prediction of things to come. and dear god, a LOT of it came true. but there is one part i am going to make sure doesn't come true. it is up to me to make myself ultimately happy. and i am going to do my damnest to make sure i do.
so this is me signing off from the b-lo. as of monday (well, actually tuesday when the cable guy comes), this blog will document my adventures from new york city. how exciting/terrifying/exhausting/joyful/awesome/scary is that??
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