quite honestly, i think this blog is done. i have nothing to report other than that i work 5-6 days a week, and i am getting sick. on my days off, i just lie on the couch and remain immobile for the entire day. at work, i wait on 293740273408302497029347092374 canadians and like 2 americans. i really do feel like i am in canada. and while i love the neighbors up north, i have never hated them more than i do right now. seriously, go home and purchase your own goods and leave us alone.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand scene.
This blog better not be done... Yours is one of my "let's avoid doing work at the office and go read about other people" sites. Keep it alive for meaders. Please.
Totally, keep it alive! Or at least post more pictures, your facial expressions are simply hilarious!
Don't give up your blog. Although you aren't happy right now - the year of change (we HAVE to believe) is not over. And someday we'll look back on our blogs and realize, "GOD our lives sucked back then... but look how far we've come."
Don't stop believin' Annalisa.
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