i just had three days off. and it totally didnt feel like it AT ALL. and now it is back to job where i go in with a positive attitude and leave with no voice and a desire to kill canadians.
what did i do in my three days off? well after a dinner party on tuesday night, i almost got into a car accident where quite honestly, i thought i was going to die. seriously, i have never been so scared in my life. we laughed later on because we were joking that my last words were going to be "hold on girls". seriously, i need to work on something better to say before i die.
i also ate. a lot. and i sat on the couch a lot. because i am ill. OH, and i read a lot which i am happy about (currently i am reading "ps, i love you" and am psyched about the movie). and i sniffled, sneezed, and blew my nose A LOT. probably more than any of the other stuff combined. and with that being said, i need to get my sick ass to bed so that i can be suzy sunshine for the crazy black friday shoppers. and effing asshole canadians*.
* i would just like to reiterate the fact that i LOVE my canadian friends and family. they are not involved in this mix.
ps. i realize i am in a state of my life where i am not content with where i am right now, but as it is thanksgiving i just want to say i am thankful to those who have been so incredibly supportive these past few months, and i am really really thankful for my family. because without them, i would truly be lost.
pps. my face in this picture is absolutely horrific. but no other photo of me in the past two months has even been remotely attractive enough to put onto the internet. ANNALISA: MOVE
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