this week has been a nightmare. i thought it would never end. i am so incredibly busy with work that i failed to notice that this blog died until one faithful follower mentioned that it is missed (and meaders, i think you are the only person who reads this, so this one is for you). i shouldn't complain about being busy with work. 850 people were laid off from my company this week. it was so fucking terrifying on thursday-- everytime i was pulled into a meeting i thought that this was going to be it. i am so so sooooo incredibly thankful that i didn't lose my job... but there are talks of another round of layoffs, and i can't say that i'm still terrified. now with that being said, work has taken over my life. once upon a time, i worked from 9:30- 5:30, went home, relaxed or went out with friends. this has all be replaced with 10-12 hour work days, eating dinner at 9:30 at night, and not being able to sleep because i ate too late. once again... i'm absolutely positely not complaining. i have a job. i am actually doing things at my job. sure, i wasn't promoted, there will be no bonus, and my pay increase will probably amount to an extra yougurtland a week, but i am so greatful i have a job. i'm just trying to keep things in context... keep working hard and i will eventually move up. just keep swimming, just keep swimming. can i still say that if they are the enemy?
the point is this blog is basically dead because i have no life except for work. work keeps me up at night (why oh WHY did i wake up at 5 this morning, and couldn't fall back asleep for an hour because of a phone call i had at work yesterday??) when i should be worrying about things like my father's surgery or the fact that i only have 300 dollars in my bank account and i don't get paid for another week and a half. i think i really need a vacation...
1. i NEED this picture of you to hang in my house. it will be placed somewhere prominent...perhaps in poster size.
2. i am so happy you still have a job.
3. the point of this blog is to distract me...even if only briefly...from my job. which is the WORST job.
4. what is going on with your dad?
5. i heart you.
your faithful reader,
when i'm feeling crappy, i come to this webpage to look at that picture and laugh.
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