i have been thinking a lot lately (i've heard! um, no one will get this... anyway) about how much i regret not studying abroad when i was at sju. i look at pictures of people who are abroad now or went abroad, and am just so incredibly jealous. i always envisioned going to college, and in my sophomore or junior year studying abroad with some close friends and having the time of my life. but that just didn't happen. i picked up a bunch of applications while i was in school for spain, london, and australia, but i never followed through. i mean, a lot got in the way (namely theater) but thinking back, i really would had said fuck it all, and studied abroad. and now i have this desire to go certain places but a- i don't have the money and b- will probably be working somewhere in the immediate future (ps, work places, call me????) and i will just not have the time an money to travel. whatever, forget regret, right? i don't know.
in other news, i got a call from a 212 number when i was at wegmans today, and dropped everything i was holding and answered the phone, only to find it was an apartment broker telling me that he found a 'killer' apartment. i wanted to tell him 'fuck your killer apartment' and hang up. ugh. THIS NEEDS TO STOP.