Sunday, June 21, 2009

in buffalooooooo

i haven't been back to buffalo since march (having cancelled trips in both april and may). now, i will be in buffalo for the next 2 weekends. i must be out of my mind. to be fair, i have a wedding for the first weekend and will only be in buffalo for like 2 minutes. but i still must be out of my mind. it's also absoultely positively insane that it is almost july. because the weather certainly doesn't feel like it. don't get me started on this weather because i start to get violent.


ps. the posted image is why i can't lose weight in this damn city.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

in a travel state of mind

yeh, that cheese thing lasted all of 2 days. going to resort to plan b next week... ugh

i am having these urges to travel. unfortunately, my job doesn't really give me the flexibility to do so that often. (i mean it does and it doesn't. i probably doesn't help that i just went on a 10 day vacation to hawaii. whoops). but as of recently, i want to do an apartment swap. ever seen the movie 'the holiday'? yes, kate winslet and cameron diaz house swap, but it seems that nyc is one of the most desired apartment swap locations. so why not do it? i mean, i live by the park, so tourists would squeal with joy to stay near there. i know this because i can't get to my subway stop some mornings because tourists are all gawking at the dakota, thinking that john lennon's ghost is going to appear or something, thus causing me to be in a bunch of pictures while trying to be like moses and parting the red sea. so yes: location of my apartment= desirable for tourists and perfect for apartment swap.

so that leaves me with where do i want to go? i have thought long and hard (heh) bout my choices. my i think i have narrowed it down to two: barcelona and paris. here's the thought process: barcelona is my favorite city in the world. but i have been there within the past 5 years (actually, i think it was 5 years ago this month. woooooooow). i have been to paris, but i was 6 years old and don't remember anything except eating croissants (of course that is what i would choose to remember). my mother says that paris is the most beautiful city in the world... and i remember eating croissants. ugh, anyway... i think i am leaning more towards paris only because i haven't been there in such a long time and really have no recollection. here is the tiny problem: i know zero french. well, i know how to count to 10 and hello and do you speak french (which would help me none) and would you like to sleep with me tonight (which again would probably get me nowhere). so i am thinking about taking some little lessons so i don't sound like a bumbling idiot.

so yeh... there's my random thoughts of the moment. will i go? yes. will i go in 2009? no. but we will see what 2010 has in store for me.


ps. meaders, if you are reading this and you decide on a destination wedding, you KNOW that takes precedent over everything. rest assured. i'm there.
"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation