Sunday, December 20, 2009
top 10's 2009
ok, i lied... top 10's for 2009? here we go...
10. green day- 21st century breakdown. not as good as 'american idiot' but still amazing none the less
9. hair- revival cast album. best show i have seen in year. so much engery.
8. shakira- she wolf. her best album in YEARS
7. kings of leon- only by night. late... but better late than never
6. leona lewis- echo. 1st album she had to do what she had to do. this album is MUCH better.
5. kelly clarkson- all i ever wanted. not my favorite, but i can't dislike kelly
4. marie digby- breathing underwater. i'm generally not one for youtube artists, but LOVED this ep.
3. (500) days of summer soundtrack. played over. and over. and over.
2. lily allen- it's not me, it's you. much much MUCH better than her 1st. wish she wouldn't retire.
1. lady gaga- fame monster. so i got on the lady gaga bandwagon a little late (but before she got SUPER huge), and now i am totally obsessed. i look forward to more of her in 2010
i still have to see the princess and the frog, sherlock homles, nine, and up in the air so i will leave this as a top 5. ps. i HATED avatar, so it will not be making the list.
5. up. depressing but brilliant
4. the hangover. unexpectedly the funniest movie of the year.
3. harry potter and the half blood prince. not the best potter, but almost was (way to ruin it last 20 minutes!!!)
2. it's complicated. baldwin + steep = brilliance
1. (500) days of summer. i can't say enough.
10. gossip girl. this is slipping, but still a delight
9. 30 rock. needs to pick up, but i still laugh out loud every time
8. true blood. SOOOO ridiculous. but i can't stop watching
7. curb your enthusiasm. BEST.SEASON.EVER.
6. 90210. this is shocking, but it's actually really good. i KNOW!
5. desperate housewives. season IMPROVED amazingly.
4. parks and recreation. the award for most improved is this one. amy poehler is gold
3. chuck. if people don't get on this bandwagon, i will cut you
2. ugly betty. has ANYONE watched this season??!
1. glee. i can't help it. this show was made for theater dorks like me
honorable mention goes to the following reality shows: real housewives of nyc, atl, nj; jersey shore; the city
ok 2010, bring it on.
Monday, December 14, 2009
so long 2009. it's been real.
so, i am still troubled by the housing situation. i walked off the subway tonight, and just stared at the amazingness of the park and thought whether or not it is worth not having money for this location and the wonderfulness of my apartment. time will only tell.
i can't even begin to tell you how much i love new york. there is seriously no other place i would rather be in this time of my life. sure, i miss suburbia at times. i miss driving and fresh air and huge grocery stores... but what i get in return just outweighs everything. tonight i went to the premiere of 'did you hear about the morgans'. awful awful movie, but i got to see sarah jessica parker, hugh grant, kim cattrall, ted danson, and cynthia nixon (AND HER TROLL GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! AHHHHH) all in one night. and i really couldn't do that anywhere else. i had brunch yesterday and had unlimited sangria's and just rolled on home without worrying about finding a dd. i mean, sure i can't find a date in this city, but that's fine as i am continuing my love affair with new york. ahhhh concrete jungle where dreams are made of...
well, i'm pretty sure i am signing off until after the holiday's. 2009, you've been great. the decade has been full of HUGE events in my life. let's see what the next decade holds. and until then, i bid you adieu.
Monday, November 30, 2009
look how easy i got you OUT. OF. MY. HEAD.
oh, and i would like to add that i am OBSESSED* with the following songs (in no particular order):
+ did it again- shakira featuring kid cudi
+ telephone- lady gaga featuring beyonce
+ outta my head- leona lewis
+ teeth- lady gaga
+ bad romance- lady gaga
*clarification- obsessed means that any one of these songs will be on loop in my head. all day. every day.
thank you and goodnight.
ps. in case you were hanging at the edge of your seat from the last post, i did try the new chocolate flavor at pinkberry. not bad. not my fav, but not bad. i mean, nothing bad comes out of that establishment.
+ did it again- shakira featuring kid cudi
+ telephone- lady gaga featuring beyonce
+ outta my head- leona lewis
+ teeth- lady gaga
+ bad romance- lady gaga
*clarification- obsessed means that any one of these songs will be on loop in my head. all day. every day.
thank you and goodnight.
ps. in case you were hanging at the edge of your seat from the last post, i did try the new chocolate flavor at pinkberry. not bad. not my fav, but not bad. i mean, nothing bad comes out of that establishment.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
mid life crisis in the form of a housing dilemma
i have recently had a reality check. i calculated how much i have spent on rent during the last 2 years that i have lived in nyc. to my horror, i realized with the amount that i've spent i could have purchased a luxary vehicle or put a down payment on a house in buffalo. this little wakeup call has put me in this downward spiral of what the hell am i going to do within the next few months when my lease is up. here are some of the ramblings going through my head:
-apartments are decently priced right now. my coworker recently moved to midtown east and negotiated down $500 on an asking price for a one bedroom with patio. plus, whilst trolling craigslist, i noticed that prices are a good 200-500 less than what i am paying now
-unfortunately, not many of these said apartments are in my neighboorhood. and i am totally willing to switch hoods, but i am head over heels in love with my neighborhood.
-which brings me to lastly that i am also obsessed with my apartment. but it is really worth paying this much? or further more, is it really worth the extra $200-$400 a month?
-why haven't i tried the new chocolate pinkberry flavor... oh wait... apartment dilemma... right, focus...
these, my friends, are the thoughts constantly going through my mind. and it's making me go insane. eventually the voices in my head will have to stop, and i can go back to worrying about frozen yogurt. until then...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
everybody's changing and i don't feel the same
it's weird. i never expected to feel any differently after turning 25... but i do. i am evaluating some of my relationships that i have... some that i have had for a long long time. and now i am seeing how i have either changed or everyone else has. so if by turning 25 it made me more of a grownup, then so be it. i can't help be sad when people start to grow apart. but it's also really hard to go into a room with someone you have known for over a decade and not know what to say. other than maybe it's time to move on.
the sun is out, i haven't left the apartment today... and i think i am going to go get some fresh air.
ps. fear not my fearless readers, i am not talking about any of you :) it's just a trend i have been noticing lately
pps. my birthday was marvelous. yes, i may feel more like a grownup, but i also enjoyed regressing for just a little bit...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
quarterlife crisis
i have been pretty busy lately. concerts, dinners, shows, work... it's just been ridiculously time consuming. not that i am having fun (well, most of the time... i don't really consider work to be all that fun), but sometime i just need a day to "veggie out" as my mother puts it-- her attempt is rather cute, so i never correct her on that one. with that being said, i had my first night tonight of "veggieing out" and enjoyed thoroughly. i caught up on tv, ate dinner (a salad after what i fondly call this past weekend as the "armageddon food tour") and just collapsed on the couch, only to move to get some water. whatever, i deserve it after last week's crazed work week paired with two concerts and a sinus infection. did i also mention i was in new jersey twice?
anyway, the reason for this blog is to discuss the fact that it is october 13, and time is moving way too fucking fast. honestly, i remember when it was this time last year and i was excited for high school musical 3 and coldplay (those two really don't belong in the same sentence together. what can i say, i have eclectic taste). i am also in major major denial that i am turning 25 in 13 days. there is no way that i am turning a quarter century. and to prove this point, i decided to celebrate my birthday in the most kidtastic place i could-- disney world. that's right world, my name is annalisa, i am turning 25 years old, and i am celebrating it at disney world. so in conclusion, all of the above things i was complaining about-- work, bills, diet, not being home enough, not enough hours in the day, are essentially canceled out because i am celebrating my 25th birthday like a 5 year old.
and with that, i say goodnight moon.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
ps. i HATE you
i just tortured myself by watching ps. i love you. ohhhhh, why do i do these things to myself?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
party in the usa part 2
i can really say not much has changed. one month later, i still really like miley cyrus' 'party in the usa'. only difference between this month and last month is that i actually saw her perform the song live. sick, i know.
until next time, my faithful followers.
ps. did you know that i am on jury duty? blog (hopefully) coming soon.
pps. facebook sometimes really is awful. especially when you find out certain people may or may not be engaged. and you just can't stop looking at their profile and help wonder. hmm... yeh.
until next time, my faithful followers.
ps. did you know that i am on jury duty? blog (hopefully) coming soon.
pps. facebook sometimes really is awful. especially when you find out certain people may or may not be engaged. and you just can't stop looking at their profile and help wonder. hmm... yeh.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
party in the usa
confession: i like some of miley cyrus' new songs of her new album. what is the matter with me?
Friday, August 7, 2009
the girl next door to the girl next door
Sunday, June 21, 2009
in buffalooooooo
i haven't been back to buffalo since march (having cancelled trips in both april and may). now, i will be in buffalo for the next 2 weekends. i must be out of my mind. to be fair, i have a wedding for the first weekend and will only be in buffalo for like 2 minutes. but i still must be out of my mind. it's also absoultely positively insane that it is almost july. because the weather certainly doesn't feel like it. don't get me started on this weather because i start to get violent.
ps. the posted image is why i can't lose weight in this damn city.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
in a travel state of mind
yeh, that cheese thing lasted all of 2 days. going to resort to plan b next week... ugh
i am having these urges to travel. unfortunately, my job doesn't really give me the flexibility to do so that often. (i mean it does and it doesn't. i probably doesn't help that i just went on a 10 day vacation to hawaii. whoops). but as of recently, i want to do an apartment swap. ever seen the movie 'the holiday'? yes, kate winslet and cameron diaz house swap, but it seems that nyc is one of the most desired apartment swap locations. so why not do it? i mean, i live by the park, so tourists would squeal with joy to stay near there. i know this because i can't get to my subway stop some mornings because tourists are all gawking at the dakota, thinking that john lennon's ghost is going to appear or something, thus causing me to be in a bunch of pictures while trying to be like moses and parting the red sea. so yes: location of my apartment= desirable for tourists and perfect for apartment swap.
so that leaves me with where do i want to go? i have thought long and hard (heh) bout my choices. my i think i have narrowed it down to two: barcelona and paris. here's the thought process: barcelona is my favorite city in the world. but i have been there within the past 5 years (actually, i think it was 5 years ago this month. woooooooow). i have been to paris, but i was 6 years old and don't remember anything except eating croissants (of course that is what i would choose to remember). my mother says that paris is the most beautiful city in the world... and i remember eating croissants. ugh, anyway... i think i am leaning more towards paris only because i haven't been there in such a long time and really have no recollection. here is the tiny problem: i know zero french. well, i know how to count to 10 and hello and do you speak french (which would help me none) and would you like to sleep with me tonight (which again would probably get me nowhere). so i am thinking about taking some little lessons so i don't sound like a bumbling idiot.
so yeh... there's my random thoughts of the moment. will i go? yes. will i go in 2009? no. but we will see what 2010 has in store for me.
ps. meaders, if you are reading this and you decide on a destination wedding, you KNOW that takes precedent over everything. rest assured. i'm there.
Monday, May 25, 2009
ps. i'm giving up cheese for a month... starting tomorrow. yikes! wish me luck. this one is going to be the death of me.
don't get me wrong. i LOVE living in nyc. there is no place i'd rather be. but there are times that make me miss buffalo. because i went to hawaii this month (when's the next trip? sign me up!), i decided not to go home for memorial day weekend. so while everyone is having bbq's and beers on the patio, i have boiled hot dogs and beer on the couch. again, nothing really wrong with that... but i do miss suburbia at times. you can take the girl out of the suburbs, but you can't take the suburbs out of the girl. eh, c'est la vie.
in other news, it's almost june... holy shit! 2009 is just breezin by. summer in nyc is absolutely my favorite (it makes me forget longing for porch bbq's and riding miss pink with the top down). buffalo has fall beat for sure, but nyc becomes a different place in the summer. brunch outside, drinks at the boathouse, long walks, summer friday's (YIPPEE!!!). seriously excited. i am just always sad when september rolls around and it all ends. but we will cross that bridge when i get to it...
summer also brings visitors and trips. i must be out of my mind because i will be home to buffalo twice in one week. that's right-- i am going home for a wedding at the end of june. home thursday- sunday. come back to nyc monday- wednesday, then fly BACK to buffalo wednesday night- sunday. crazy girl. i don't know what i was thinking. but it had to be done. and the one flight only cost me $10 (because of a credit i had). woot! regardless, i am excited to go home for a little bit. need to visit some kids that i haven't seen in awhile.
that's it for me. time for some gym, grocery's, and loehmann's. happy memorial day, everybody.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
hello may
Saturday, April 4, 2009
quick update
let's see... i can summarize my life in a couple sentences:
-i work between 12 and 16 hours a day (more than likely on the 16 hour side)
-i have been trying to diet because i am going to hawaii in may. thus far it has been a freaking roller coaster (which probably not aided by my nachos, potato skins, and beer i had last night)
-today is my father's birthday. i made him a powerpoint as a gift. this isn't a joke-- it's my life
-i may or may not be going to arkansas this week. yee-haw!
-my parents come for easter next weekend (meaders-- i want to go to smith and wollensky's again, but minus the whole puncture wound/bleeding leg thing)
and there you have it. i wish i could have fun things to update, but unless you care about how dora is doing at the biggest retailer on the planet, i am not very exciting. until next time my faithful followers.
annalisa out.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
stressed to the max
i can't even begin to describe the stress in my life. i mean, working 14 hour days? working the entire weekend????
if i make it though to march, it will be an amazing miracle....
sigh. -annalisa
if i make it though to march, it will be an amazing miracle....
sigh. -annalisa
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009

i would like to retract two of my top 10's. yes, i did say two. why? because one thing changes both lists. how could i ever possibly forget dr. horrible's sing along blog ( i mean, BEST THING EVER. so please add dr. horrible as number 6 in music (bumping out katy perry. c'est la vie) and number 4 in movies (wow, now i have a top 6!).
ok, i'm going to go now...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
top ten: movies

happy new year. yeh, i slacked on the top 10 lists... i was in the midst of doing at top 10 movie list when i realized movies were really really REALLY lacking this year. to the point that i couldn't even make a top 10 list. so freaking disappointing. so instead, here are the top 5 movies this year for me. i saw a lot of lemons
5. dark knight-- two words: heath ledger
4. sex and the city-- couldn't help it. i loved it
3. wall-e-- pixar makes me cry
2. slumdog millionaire-- go see this now. it deserves to be seen in a movie theater
1. high school musical 3-- hahahahaha, i'm such a loser. whatever, these movies are genius.
honorable mention: the curious case of benjamin button-- shave off one hour of this movie, and it would have actually made the list
movie that SHOULD have made the list but was a huge dissapointment: twilight
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