Wednesday, July 30, 2008

but i still love you, new york

when it comes to new york city, there are three kinds of people:
1. people who hate new york and would rather die than even visit
2. people who like to visit new york, but are happy to go home after a visit and could never see themselves staying there
3. people who can't get enough of the city.

i fall into category 3. i am approaching my 6 month mark of me living in the city, and i am absolutely positively not sick of it. i was in la this past weekend, and while it was one of the best vacations i have ever had, i was so incredibly excited to come back to new york. i really really don't think i could live in la. i think all that traffic and driving would drive me to insanity. i can get to the bottom of manhattan all the way to the top in 45 minutes. 45 minutes can take you down the street in a car in la. so while the weather was lovely and the beaches were delightful and i couldn't get enough of the celebrity shenanigans, i definitely fall into category 3 of new yorkers.

in other news, my family is coming to visit this weekend. my cousins are basically my siblings, so i am so incredibly excited from them to get here. each are bringing their spouse/boyfriend, both of whom i love dearly, so i am prepared to have a delightful weekend.



Thursday, July 24, 2008

time goes by...

i missed the one year mark of this blog. i have been too busy to notice. and i am too busy right now to update...

off to work, and then a short visit in la. see you later kids...


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

dddora the explorerrrr

i can't begin to tell you how busy i am. i tried scheduling dinner plans with an old childhood friend, and i felt like such an asshole because bascially i was like i'm only available next weds... and then i had to cancel other plans that weds so i could go to dinner with her... um WHAT? when did i get this busy??? can we flashback a few months ago when i did nothing? yup.

i went to visit meaders this weekend. it was one of the best philadelphia trips i have ever had. and we didn't even do that much. miss meaders, i had my 100 grand at work today. and it was glorious. i love you times a 100 grand...

today i kind of had this breakthrough at work. for the first time in the 5 months that i had been there, i finally felt like i am settled in. i was sitting in a meeting this afternoon, and thought about how lost i was 5 months ago. and it finally clicked that i finally get it, and i am a part of this. i think i made a really good career move, and today supported that.

so there is this teeny tiny shoe repair store across from my favorite restaurant in my neighborhood (see the picture). it sits between two rather large buildings, and looks so little and scared compared to the bigger buildings next to it. everytime i eat outside at my fav restaurant (which is often as the hostess now remembers me), i love to stare at the little shoe repair and think how it reminds me of me... a little person stuck in a huge huge city. but like the little shoe repair, i manage to survive. and it gets better with each passing day... remind me to show you the shoe repair when you come to visit me...


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

bery vusy

i'm still here, i swear. i am just kinda busy.

does someone want to give me 100 grand? that would be great, thanks.

"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
- Lost in Translation