i know i know, im getting really bad at updating this thing. who knew that i, miss annalisa, would be so busy this summer? i'm liking it. i miss certain people. but i get to see so many more. not to mention that july is filled with trip trip trips. cooliossss.
today was a day of reminising... i found some REALLY old pictures from sophomore year of college, and then i ended up going through a lot of my old livejournal entries from that year. i really really miss college. no, not theology, sociology, and the all the drama. but i miss living with my friends, seeing them everyday. i miss being friends with certain people. and i am sad i burned bridges with some. i tried to reconcile one that i really missed. but this person i guess wouldn't have it. too bad...
so a picture is in homage to me circa sophomore year (2003). some vintage annalisa. i was still only 18 going on 19 in this pic. wooooow. i look so different...
those were the days...