i haven't blogged in awhile. i have a lot on my mind. 2 minor set backs today really caused a lot of emotions on my part. and we are talking minor. but it was enough to make me very frustrated and sad. but i am not going to think about it for now, and concentrate on work. just keep swimming.
in other news, my parents were here for easter weekend. we had a lovely time building ikea furniture (except... not), and i ate so much that i was ill. nice job, go me. since then, i haven't had much of an appetite (which also could be partially due to a multitude of different things going on in my life). oh well, could be a good thing, right? haha
there is a movie filming one block over. i walk by, but i can't see much of what is going on because they block half the street. guess i will just have to see it in the movies. i did, however, see the trailers for the stars. tried to peek in the windows, but didn't have much success.
um, i wish i had more to say. but i dont. i think it's bedtime for me now.